How much does life insurance?

Yields life insurance fared better than expected in 2012. This placement is interesting, but reports that he really?

• The best yields of 2012(life insurance)

Investors are resigned to see the life insurance pay decrease each year.But in 2012, the movement is reduced . 's approximately 710,000 members of Afer, the savings association have even won their contract a little more in 2011: 3.45% against 3.43%. Matmut has also increased the rate of his contract Matmut Life Savings (3.40% in 2012, against 3.20% in 2011) . Certainly, it is rare to see a compensation contract advance.However, some companies appear at least steady returns, which keeps Maaf as 3.20% for Winalto his contract (performance Maaf Savings Account, which is more commercialized himself is reduced to 3.01%).

• Fewer contracts to more than 3%

Of course, many institutions still announce rate down from over 2011. , but the decline was moderate, from 0.05% to about 0.15% . The MASCF, for example, offers one of the best market rate to 3.50% on his contract RES (against 3.65% in 2011).  A GMF, all contracts reported 3.05% against 3.20% a year earlier.  Certain insurers still showed 3% or more last year do not succeed this year, like Axa announces that 2.90% instead of 3% (but compensation is increased for customers who meet certain conditions).example, the average life insurance, which was established specifically to 3% in 2011 to 2012 should drop below the psychological threshold. Some experts predict 2.85%.

• The old contracts or contracts "consumer" less profitable

There are large disparities in performance within the same institution. AtCrédit agriculture, for example, Predissime 9, even though its rate has recovered (2.80% in 2012 against 2.70% in 2011), reported much less Floriane that the contract premium in the bank, which is between 3% and 3.30%. In general, contracts for wealthy clients, may invest large amounts, are favored by insurance companies bound and lower management costs. Where wages more attractive. Similarly, many contracts now have a management fee discount as capital invested by the Subscriber: well filled, so they relate more. Finally, in many cases, the old contracts that are most are sold "sacrificed" : the insurer gripe about their performance, much to the chagrin of investors who have invested in and enjoy their old contract they will lose tax benefits if they go to reinvest in a new product.

• Where to find the good deeds?

A good contract is a contract today that shows good yields in regular time, with tight management of costs and entrance fees (levied on payments) low or zero. They are found in traditional insurers and mutual rather than in banks . Contracts traded on the web are in fact generally without entrance fees and remuneration are often generous. Reported that BforBank eg 3.40% (3.60% in 2011).

• A placement competitive even after inflation

Yields reported by insurers are net of management fee contract (already deducted), but gross social charges (CSG, CRDS ...), that they are not counted. example, reported today that a contract relieves a 3% real return than 2.535% once paid social contributions. And it does not take into account any tax on interest, for example in case of withdrawal from a contract of less than 8 years. however, compared to an inflation rate that has slowed considerably in recent months (1.2% currently) the investment performance of the French favorite, however, still preserves very well the capital of the price increase.

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