Ubuntu for Tablet: Specifications

After talking for a long time, through interviews and articles on blog more or less official, Canonical has finally published on its official website all the information about the version of Ubuntu for tablet . This is an operating system that introduces some innovative features compared to its main competitors Mobile scope, such as Android, iOS or Windows Phone.Although it is not currently available on any device on the market, have been presented several prototypes of smartphones and tablets running Ubuntu Mobile World Congress , and it is expected that after October can be put on the market some models.

ubuntu for tablet

In this article we present an overview of the maximum of this new system, dwelling in particular on the most innovative features introduced by Canonical Ubuntu for tablets.


Although systems such as Android or iOS allow the simultaneous execution of multiple applications (some of which may remain in the background), the user has, typically, a single screen available, and for this reason, is able to have control direct one application at a time (unless otherwise exempted).

With Ubuntu for tablet, however, introduces a new feature that allows the user to exploit the full potential of one of the essential characteristics of desktop operating systems: the multitasking , the ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. With Ubuntu, it will be possible to open the screen and Skype, while making a video call, work on Libre Office or set reminders, doing everything at the same time .
An example of multitasking on Ubuntu (source: ubuntu.com)An example of multitasking on Ubuntu (source: ubuntu.com)

It is also possible, in this way, make operating methods typical desktop environments, such as drag & drop , and the consequent ability to use multiple applications in a cooperative . This is also why Canonical claims to have "reinvented the tablet," which becomes " a bridge between the phone and the PC . "

Easier navigation

In addition to the above, the navigation between apps is much smoother. It is not necessary, in fact, return to the initial shields and then start another app, like on Android or iOS, but you can open multiple applications at once , and go from one screen to another with great ease and immediacy in ubuntu tablet.

On the left side of the screen, also, there is a floating bar that resembles Unity, and which contains all your favorite applications . These can be started with a simple touch on the corresponding icon, and without the need to close running applications.
The launcher on the left allows you to launch your favorite applications (source: ubuntu.com)The launcher on the left allows you to launch your favorite applications (source: ubuntu.com)

In a similar way to iOS and Android, Ubuntu is a drop-down menu that can contain notifications from applications or messages from social networks, and also allows you to enable or disable the wi-fi or data.
The drop-down menu of Ubuntu allows you to control the entire system (source: ubuntu.com)The drop-down menu of Ubuntu allows you to control the entire system (source: ubuntu.com)

Multi-user system On Ubuntu For Tablet

Still following the philosophy of "bridge between your phone and PC," Canonical has carried the concept of multi-user system even on the tablet, allowing you to create multiple accounts separate. This allows, for example, sharing a single device with friends or colleagues in the office, as well as in the family. In addition, the operating system is implemented in theencryption of personal data , which ensures the privacy of each user and is a robust mechanism for security of the operating system.
The login screen of Ubuntu on tablet (source: ubuntu.com)The login screen of Ubuntu on tablet (source: ubuntu.com)


Ubuntu comes with many pre-installed applications, typical of mobile environments. To name a few, Facebook , Twitter , Google Maps , Gmail and Spotify are already beginning. These also could be added many others. To support the development of new applications, Canonical provides a framework that allows you to create web applications (using HTML 5 and Javascript), to be performed directly on the tablet. With this, also, is not precluded developers the ability to create native applications , generally more efficient.

A particular application is already beginning the Gallery . It is a software solution that can work equally well on tablets, that on your smartphone or desktop. It allows the user to create albums to organize photos and possibly save them or share them via the Internet using cloud computing services.

Other features

With Ubuntu you can also control the tablet using voice commands , built-in Ubuntu HUD , a control interface which performs all the functions of the ' HUD already seen on the latest versions of Ubuntu, but that integrates seamlessly with the interface of tablet .
HUD and voice control on Ubuntu (source: ubuntu.com)HUD and voice control on Ubuntu for teblet (source: ubuntu.com)

As in other systems for Ubuntu desktop environments, even on the tablet there is a strong integration with the cloud . In addition to Facebook, Twitter and the like, which allow the sharing of content, you can take advantage of cloud storage services provided by Ubuntu One , which already has millions of users and ensures the portability of data across multiple platforms, it is also available for Android , Windows and Mac 'also possible to use Ubuntu One to listen to your favorite music in streaming.

One more interesting feature is the so-called savvy search , a search mechanism that provides not only results in the content of the device you are using, but also shows those obtained by researching the same topics on the internet. If, for example, we are looking for information about a person, this mechanism will look in the local phone book, but also on Facebook and Twitter, and if you want to listen to a song and try on our device, we will be given the results of adequate research into Ubuntu Server One.

Final remarks

In addition to a high level of usability , due to multitasking and the consequent ability to use multiple applications in a cooperative manner, Ubuntu is a great technology for tablets, even insensitive environments . In such contexts, in fact, the high level of security represented by encryption mechanisms of personal data and the entire hard drive is one of the key issues facing this operating system to a higher level of his peers.

Less than commercial factors, which often affect the fortunes of emerging technologies such as this, Ubuntu could make inroads among its competitors, using all the innovations they enjoy and that make it different from all the other mobile operating systems.

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