How to install Linux

After having heard so much by your friends more "geeks", finally you have decided to try something different and to install Linux on your PC. Linux, as now known, is an alternative operating system to Windows (and Mac OS X) which is based on the philosophy of open source .

 Its source code can be viewed, modified and redistributed freely by all. There are various versions (denominated distributions), most of which are free to 100%.Among these, one of the best known is Ubuntu , which in recent years has managed to win many users due to its ease of use and good compatibility with many hardware components on the market. If you want to find out how to install Linux , I would not doubt. For your first experience I suggest you try just Ubuntu. Then you say, start?

How To Install Linux Easily

The first step that you must take if you want to find out how to install Linux is connect to theUbuntu website and click on the item Download located in the top right. On the page that opens, select 32-bit or 64-bit from the third drop-down menu, depending on whether you want to install the version of the operating system 32 or 64 bit (the latter, however, may have more compatibility issues with certain hardware devices ), and click the orange button Start Download to download the ISO image of the operating system on your PC (it is about 700MB, so you have to have a connection fast enough).

When the download is completed, insert a blank CD / DVD burner in your PC and burn an ISO image of Ubuntu (eg ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso ) with any program suitable for the purpose. I will recommend the free ImgBurn , but there are many others. To find out how to burn ISO file in detail, you can read a guide on the subject that I wrote some time ago.

how to install linux

A burn is complete, you are ready to install Linux on your PC. Remember to install a Linux distro on your PC does not mean removing Windows , since the new system will create a new partition on the hard disk of the computer on which you will place and each time the PC you can choose whether to start Windows normally or start Linux. The only difference is that you have to leave a little 'free space on the hard disk so that Ubuntu can install without problems (20/25 GB should suffice).

At this point, insert the CD / DVD of Ubuntu just burned into your PC and restart it to boot from the CD / DVD. If the computer does not detect the disk and starts normally Windows instead ofUbuntu , find out how to enable booting from CD / DVD reading my guide on how to set the BIOS .

When the operation is completed, after a short loading, you should get in front of a screen with language selection and two buttons: one to try Ubuntu without installing it and one to install Ubuntu on your PC. Then select the item Italian/English menu located on the left and click Install Ubuntu to start the installation of the operating system.

install linux os

Now, make sure you have an active Internet connection and put check marks next to the itemsDownload updates during the installation and install third-party software , so that the system is already fully working after the installation, and click button Continue . If you do not have an active Internet connection, you can not even put the check marks and do the updates after installing the operating system.

If everything went so smooth at this point Ubuntu should detect the presence of Windows on the PC and ask you what you want to do: Install Ubuntu alongside Windows , Replace Windows with Ubuntu or Other (to manage partitions manually, experts only) . Then put a check mark next to the item to install Ubuntu while preserving Windows and click on Continue .

Then use your mouse to move the vertical bar on the left and select the size of the partition to dedicate to Ubuntu and click the first button Install , then click Continue to begin the installation of Linux on your computer.

Now you still have to wait a few minutes and the rest of the wizard will take you to install Linux on your PC. When finished, restart the PC, remove the floppy from the CD / DVD player and you will have the opportunity to choose which operating system to boot. So this is how to install linux!
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